Get Treatment For Muscle Aches & Pains

Investing in massage is an investment in your health.

Tish Hetrick has been a massage therapist since 1990 and received her training at the Chicago School of Massage Therapy. Tish does a variety of techniques including trigger point therapy, Swedish, deep tissue, and neuro-muscular and myofascial techniques. She also is trained in Healing Touch energy work.

“I love what I do and have found it very rewarding over the years helping people to find relief from tight muscles and from pain.” -Tish Hetrick

Call 208-345-2222 to schedule a massage with Tish!

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:

Improved concentration.

Increased circulation.

Reduced fatigue.

Decreased anxiety.

Enhanced sleep quality.

Greater energy.

Payment Options

We’re happy to offer our patients many different payments options. We also accept CareCredit for those who need more time to pay.

We are not able to bill major medical insurance for massages at this time.

Book an appointment with Tish HERE


Yoga Classes

See what classes are available and start feeling like the best version of yourself.

Chiropractic Care

Our care procedures are performed right in Boise off I-84 on Orchard.

New Techniques

Low Level Laser Therapy is a completely painless, and non-toxic form of relief.